The outcry
over President Trump’s comments after the Putin summit July 16 began at a fever
pitch and promptly turned up to eleven.
Within hours
of Democrats champing at the bit to bury Trump with what they perceived to be
the silver bullet: “evidence” of treason, the Republicans joined suit. In a
press conference the following day, House Speaker Paul Ryan took pains to
emphasize how Putin and Russia are bad actors with whom we share nothing in
Putin does not share our interests. Vladimir Putin does not share our values.”
And furthermore, “... Russia is a menacing government that does not share our
interests, and it does not share our values.”
“correcting” Trump, he added, "The President must appreciate that Russia
is not our ally. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and
Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals,"
Setting aside
the obvious for a moment—that claims of Russians buying Facebook ads, hacking
emails, possibly agitating at rallies of both Trump and Clinton, and other such
various and sundry “meddling” in our election—had zero impact on the election
and don’t constitute any real threat to our democracy ... isn’t this a little like
the pot calling the kettle black?
One report
claims that we have interfered in democratic elections in foreign nations 81
times between 1946 and 2000. More recently we shamelessly “weighed in” on the presidential
elections in Ukraine, which borders Russia. We also gave a backdoor bribe via
an IMF loan to “our” candidate, Boris Yeltsin, in their 1996 presidential
We have also repeatedly
meddled in Israel’s parliamentary elections to affect the election of the nation’s
leadership, most recently during the Obama presidency.
Heck, in 2015
we even got caught bugging Angela Merkel’s phone while she was here on a state
visit! Turns out we’d been doing it ... forever. After all, we’re the only
country I’m aware of that employs the phrase “regime change” without sarcasm or
shame—in fact, with candor.
In short,
these “meddling” activities in foreign affairs constitute the underbelly of
statecraft, practiced by all and admitted by none. Of which we, perhaps, are
the world’s most prolific practitioners.
* * *
But this is
not my point. I was struck by Paul Ryan’s remarks, that Putin—and by extension,
Russia—don’t share our ideals and values.
It got me
thinking: What are our ideals and values? Specifically, the ones that Russians
apparently no longer, or never, shared?
When I was
growing up, the word “communist” was often prefaced with “Godless.” The Russians were our enemies not just
because they didn’t believe in private property—oh, and they hated freedom—but because
they didn’t believe in God. Atheism was actively encouraged by the Soviet
state. Religion was considered backward and superstitious. Christians were
oppressed and persecuted, along with members of the world's other faiths. Heck, the
“commies” weren’t just evil—they were damned!
So what were our
values and ideals back then, and how have they changed?
generally stem from religion. We were a religious nation, though the Founding
Fathers were wise enough to draw a strict line between Church and State.
The majority of Americans either expressed a belief in some form of
Christianity (or Judaism), and a significant fraction attended Church on
Sundays, or at the very least on Easter and Christmas.
certainly comes to mind as a professed value, perhaps the most exalted of them all.
Of course, freedom is a vague term, and its functional meaning and limits when
in contention with other rights is constantly being tested. Free speech is
certainly a component. How often would we hear a patriotic American intone
those clichéd words: “I disagree with what you’re saying but I’m willing to
fight to the death to defend your right to say it.”
Then there’s
the civic virtues we prized. Personal responsibility. The notion that a
person’s success in life should only be limited by his or her own work and
ambition. This dovetails with our belief in fairness as an innate American
value. Fairness, especially in the Civil Rights era ... the recognition that it
is wrong to deny someone an equal opportunity because of the accident of their
birth, specifically: their race, ethnicity, or—to the extent that doesn’t
contradict common sense—their sex. An individual should be judged by his
abilities and the content of his character, not the color of his skin—to
paraphrase the famous statement of a certain leading light of the era.
with the moral virtues we extolled (even if individually we weren’t always able
to live up to them we at least agreed in principal on their merit) were the
bad behaviors we collectively condemned, and when appropriate, punished.
Morality cannot be legislated, we’re told. Our Founding Fathers clearly
recognized this, asserting that our rights are God-given, not granted by any
government. The civilized way to discourage destructive social behavior is
through society’s own built-in mechanisms for self-correction: shame and
stigma. In the absence of which the only alternative is the iron fist of the
law, which is directly harmful to our highest value: freedom.
And so we
stigmatized undesirable social behaviors: out-of-wedlock births, abortion, divorce,
homosexuality. A man would be shamed for abandoning his family. A family for
going on welfare. The message was clear: not just the best—but the only
appropriate healthy environment for raising children was within the nuclear
family: a husband and wife. Homosexuality, considered a behavioral and/or
psychological disorder at the time, was heavily stigmatized. In many localities society had taken the draconian, and foolish, path of criminalizing it, though
this was rarely enforced. Shaming was sufficient to discourage it and preserve
the collective rational understanding that it took a man and a woman to create
a baby, and a healthy family was the ideal building block for a sound economic atomic
unit from which to build and maintain a healthy community.
Americans were sympathetic to those neighbors who for one reason or another
were unable or unwilling to conform to the ideal family model, and recognized
that the freedom of such people to pursue their lives, liberty and happiness in
the manner they chose must be respected. Homosexuality was considered bad, counterproductive
to the social necessity of producing the next generation, but it was tolerated.
The notion of marriage being modified to include same-sex couples was ludicrous.
The notion of rewarding homosexual couples with adoptive children would’ve been
worse—perhaps an abomination, to give it the flavor of the religious sentiments
still present at the time.
* * *
Are those the
values and ideals Paul Ryan was thinking of when he denounced Putin and Russia
for “not sharing our values;” when he angrily implied that President Trump
believed in a moral equivalence between our two nations?
Well, hardly.
What exactly are
our values ... today?
Some are relatively
unchanged. Others are 180 degrees out of phase. We still value freedom of the
press, but freedom of speech is on life support. Unless you’ve been living in a
cave for the past decade or so, free speech is largely a thing of the past in
the academy. Thoughts or speech that violate the ever changing canons of
political correctness is considered “hate speech.” And hate speech is
considered “violence.” It is not much of an exaggeration to say that our
colleges and universities have been taken over by a dogmatic, vulgar, violent, left-wing
fascist political faction that has succeeded in silencing any contrary thought
or speech. The word “fascist” is used here with prejudice. Words evolve, and
this one has lost its prior connections with economics and is now used to mean
any authoritarian movement that stifles opposition by force, including violence
and threats of violence, as well as political intimidation. Antifa, campus “progressives," Black Lives Matter, feminists and their LGBTQ “intersectionalists,” are all fascist by definition.
What about the notion of a person being judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin? Gone. Into the Orwellian dustbin of history. So-called affirmative action had transmogrified into virulent identity politics, which has now reached such levels of bullshit that on some college campuses students “of color” are demanding they be segregated from whites in student housing and even at graduation ceremonies. Identity politics demands that people be judged not by their abilities or their character, i.e., not as individuals, but by their group identity. We’ve come full circle, but now it is whites that are discriminated against in hiring and admissions policies ... and worse is coming for them.
What about the notion of a person being judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin? Gone. Into the Orwellian dustbin of history. So-called affirmative action had transmogrified into virulent identity politics, which has now reached such levels of bullshit that on some college campuses students “of color” are demanding they be segregated from whites in student housing and even at graduation ceremonies. Identity politics demands that people be judged not by their abilities or their character, i.e., not as individuals, but by their group identity. We’ve come full circle, but now it is whites that are discriminated against in hiring and admissions policies ... and worse is coming for them.
With respect
to civic virtues, half of this country doesn’t even believe in the concept of a
national identity with borders and a universal language. At immigration-related
rallies held by Hispanics, Mexican flags are waved. When Maxine Walters held a
rally, her followers actually burned an American flag.
What about
personal responsibility, and the work ethic? Largely gone. It’s been replaced
by the entitlement culture. As the state continually finds new roadblocks to
hamper small business creation through ever-growing
licensing requirements and ridiculous regulations ... and of course taxes ... it extends more and
more free services to those that choose not to pull their own weight.
Forty-four million Americans receive food stamps. Ten million Americans receive
disability insurance. Over four million Americans under 65 receive SSI (mentally
unable to work) benefits.
considering our moral values, we’re forced to conclude that they have not just
been softened—they’ve been completely corrupted and turned upside down. Vice
is now virtue. Single motherhood is lionized. It’s the new norm. It’s even led
to the creation of a new phrase replacing “husband”: the “baby daddy.” There is
nothing more obvious than the direct correlation between our descent into
social chaos and the absence of fathers in the home. On the basis of
overwhelming circumstantial evidence it is not a stretch to say that our
culture has been waging a war on fatherhood since the emergence of feminism.
Speaking of
... the decline in religious observance can at least partially be attributed to
scientific advancement and the unavoidable conflicts with religious cosmological
canon. But if religion is something that humans do ... something that humans
need ... we now have alternatives that satisfy those existential needs.
Feminism may not be a religion per se, but it bears too many of the trappings
to liken it to anything else.
![]() |
Fremen: Celebrated in the West; jailed by Putin |
Feminism is a doctrine of hate. Like Christianity, it gives its adherents an explanation for all the misfortunes in their lives ... in fact for all the evil in the world. Its devil is man ... the patriarchy. The male sex is defined outside of the new moral universe. Like all religions, unbelievers are infidels. Attempts to counter any of its catechisms are met with virulent denunciation and violent fury. Offending individuals are immediately targeted for personal and professional destruction. The feminazi takes no prisoners.
With regards
to sexuality, clearly we are in free-fall. We have passed the black hole’s
event horizon and at this point no semblance of normalcy is safe. We have drag
queens dressed in nightmarish costume, devil horns and all, brought into public
libraries to read to pre-school children. We have gay teachers dressed in tutus
prancing on stage at public school assemblies. We have LGBTQ representatives
handing out information about anal fisting ... again, to school children. The
list goes on, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the depraved movement
to encourage children to undergo surgical mutilation to change their “gender.”
Drag Queen Story Hour at (L) Michelle Obama Long Beach Public Library, 10/14/17 and (R) Olean, NY Public Library 6/20/18 |
The next
wheel to fall off is the normalization of pedophilia. The efforts are already
afoot, and have been ongoing behind the scenes in the psychobabble communities (the
APA, etc.) for at least two decades. We are just now beginning to see this
disgraceful and depraved “lifestyle” jockeying for position as the next “cause” in the popular
Shame and
stigma, meanwhile, have become fighting words in the filth and depravity contingent
and Gender Studies departments ... but I repeat myself.
Difficult as
it is to accept, these are now our values, according to the arbiters of
behavior, the professional experts who inform our educational and cultural
So, if Putin
and Russia don’t share our values—perhaps it is worthwhile looking into exactly
what their values are now...?
* * *
One of the
incidents under investigation by those trying desperately to undoTrump’s
presidency is the meeting Donald Jr had with a Russian attorney. The ostensible
issue prompting the meeting, adoption, is rarely mentioned—or when it is, never
in specific detail. Since states removed the prohibitions on homosexual
adoption it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a huge number of adoptions are
now granted to homosexual couples, overwhelmingly lesbians. In Massachusetts,
where it is actively promoted by the government agencies, it’s around half.
In 2014
Russia implemented a law banning adoption of Russian children by same-sex
couples internationally. They went further, banning adoptions by single people
who lived in nations that allowed same-sex marriage.
Since overthrowing
Marxist-Leninism, the Russian Orthodox Church is thriving. Vladimir Putin has often
decried what is now commonly referred to as “Europe’s suicide.” This is from a
Christmas message Vladimir Putin delivered in 2016:
We see that
many Euro-Atlantic states have taken the way where they deny or reject their
own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of western
In these
countries the moral basis and any traditional identity are being
denied—national religious, cultural, and even gender identities are being
denied or relativized.
politics treats a family with many children as equal to a homosexual
partnership (juridically); faith in God is equal to faith in Satan.
The excess
and exaggeration of Political Correctness in these countries indeed leads to
serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the
propaganda of pedophilia.
The people in
many European states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and
are indeed frightened to speak about them. Christian holidays and celebrations
are abolished or “neutrally” renamed, as if one were ashamed of those Christian
holidays. With these methods one hides away the deeper moral value of these
And these
countries try to force this model onto other countries, globally. I am deeply
convinced that this is a direct way to degradation and primitivization of
culture. This leads to deeper demographic and moral crisis in the West.
What can be
better evidence of the moral crisis of a human society (in the West) than the
loss of its reproductive function? And today nearly all “developed” Western
countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants.
Without the
moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without
rules and moral values which have formed and been developed over millennia,
people will inevitably lose their human dignity (become brutes).
This from the
previously “Godless communists.”
Who could’ve
imagined fifty years ago that the remaining sane people of the western
democracies would turn to an ex-KGB thug for moral guidance?
In Western
Europe, the cradle of our civilization, the cultural and moral values are under
attack at both ends of the spectrum. At the opposite end of the West’s own
self-mutilation of morality is its embracing of a culture whose values and ideals
are the very antithesis of our own—past and present. The social fabric of nations
such as France, Sweden and Germany is being torn apart at the seams by the
tidal wave of terrorism, murder, rioting, beheadings, acid attacks, rape, white
slavery and the “grooming” of girls as young as eleven—all due to the massive influx
of African, Middle Eastern and Asian Muslim immigrants.
But these are
the values that are waiting to step in once the West’s Cultural Revolution has
run its course, reaching the inevitable end that results from embracing moral
No, Mr. Ryan,
I don’t hold to our new values. They are not my values. They are a corruption of the very meaning of
the word “value.” They need to be expunged. Where did they come from?
Did I miss the invasion from Planet X? I want our old values and
ideals back. And if Russia still holds them, I want the U.S. to gravitate
toward Russia and away from Western Europe. They are even further
down this spiraling path into the black hole’s singularity of cultural suicide,
perhaps just one generation away from submitting to the rigid, 7th century patriarchal
morality of Islamic law.
Age is
supposed to give wisdom. I’ve been alive long enough to know when my country is
trying to manipulate me into joining a pig-pile. I read 1984, and I grokked its
message. It’s clear that certain factions are scared shitless at the thought of
a President Trump allied with a revanchist Russia against the West’s “Cultural
Revolution.” We need to look deeper for their motivations, past the usual
suspects, the industrial war machine.
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Copyright 2018 © Marcus Clintonius