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Monday, January 3, 2022

End The Vaccine Mandates Now

Marcus Clintonius

My teaching career in Massachusetts is about to come to an end. I’m not retiring. Rather, I am now one of the “refuseniks.” I refuse to show proof of vaccination (or booster shot) to the two schools where I have been employed for over 20 years.

I have not requested an accommodation on religious or medical grounds because that would implicitly acknowledge the legitimacy of their demand. Instead, I have sent a statement of my refusal to comply containing the reasons why and declaring my intention to continue teaching. Their demand is unlawful and doesn’t even deserve lip service. The substance of my statement is contained in this commentary.

COVID vaccine mandates are indeed unlawful, and will be struck down by the Supreme Court in the days to come (hopefully). No one has the right to demand information about my medical history -- let alone require me to inject a drug that is not a vaccine in any conventional meaning of the word. It doesn’t prevent getting COVID, nor does it prevent spreading the infection, as evidenced by the huge proportion of the vaccinated among the newly-infected.

There are zero long-term studies of the adverse effects of these experimental “vaccines.” But there is mounting data on known serious and fatal adverse reactions...  all for a virus with a fatality rate of at most 0.5% for those under 65 and 0.008% for our students aged 20-24. That translates to 1 fatality per 12,500 students who potentially contract COVID (and for younger students under 20 the fatality rate is a miniscule 0.003%, corresponding to 1 fatality per 33,333). Flipping the percents gives survival rates of 99.5% for 60-64 year-olds, 99.992% for 20-24 year-olds, and 99.997% for those under 20.*

The choice of whether or not to vaccinate is not a straightforward one-to-one comparison between the health risks associated with contracting COVID versus the probability of an adverse reaction to the vaccine -- it is (1) the probability of contracting the virus MULTIPLIED by (2) the rate of serious consequences from the virus, against the probability of developing a serious heart condition or suffering a stroke, paralysis, blood clot, fertility problem, or damage to the immune system, etc. (it’s a long list) from taking the jab.

Regardless, navigating between the two choices is a decision that is mine and mine alone to make. Not a teachers’ union, not a college president -- nor a mayor, governor, president or bureaucrat such as Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky or Francis Connors.

We are a constitutional republic, and only our elected representatives have the power to legislate such an edict.

Using the pretext of a health emergency, a state of medical apartheid is being implemented -- handmaiden to a vile authoritarianism rapidly creeping over the Western democracies in Europe, Australia and regions of the U.S.

This is Austria today, which recently implemented the following:

1. Vaccine mandate for everyone by Feb. 1.

2. A penalty of 3,600 Euros for failing to comply, to be repeated quarterly. (The median salary in Austria is 3,790 Euros/month.)

3. Increase to the maximum prison sentence for contempt-of-court from 6 weeks to 1 year. (An amendment to exempt those thus charged for failing to comply with the vaccine mandate voted down.)

4. Those found in contempt of court for failing to comply with the vaccine mandate to be housed in separate facilities from the regular (vaccinated) prison population –i.e., internment camps for the unvaccinated.

In the UK, the government is preparing to roll out their digital identity tracking system (IDVT – Digital Identity Document Validation Technology) enforcing, believe it or not, “right-to-rent” and “right-to-work” provisions, following a vaccine passport mandate rushed through Parliament in December in response to the Omicron “crisis”.

It shouldn’t be that hard to connect the dots.

Though the Australians, Brits, Austrians and Germans etc. may have surrendered their liberty cheaply --more resistance is expected from us. There’s a historical reason for this. The nations of Europe were conceived in feudalism and serfdom. Their centuries-long evolution to democracy recognizes rights granted by the State to the individual. In the U.S., this principle is reversed. Our founding constitutional documents recognize a nation conceived in individual liberty -- our “God-given natural rights.” We, as citizens, grant to the government only certain restrictions on those rights that we deem necessary for the protection, health, and prosperity of the commonwealth – for our “common weal.”

This usurpation of liberty arises from the transference of authority from elected representatives to unelected bureaucrats. Who is this Dr. Fauci who dictates where we should shop, where we can work, and even who we can invite into our homes? I didn’t vote for him. Did you?

The vaccine mandates, and what they portend, are repugnant to America’s foundational political values of self-government and individual liberty. This is America. We don’t do fascism. We do freedom and liberty. I refuse to “show my papers.”

To the schools: This should be a no-brainer. There is a clear right and wrong here, and one clear course of action: Do the right thing… and stop doing the fascist thing.

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